

この事に関して、primary source(一次資料)として1876年から1902年の間に大英博物館が入手した45群の年代記粘土板(出土はバビロン及びその姉妹都市ボルシッパ。ナボネーサル 747b.c. – セレウコス1世 281b.c.の業績が記されている)「アッシリア・バビロニア年代記」の内、通称「エルサレム年代記」と呼ばれている5群目の粘土版の解読翻訳がA.K.グレイソンによってなされ、聖書の記述の整合性が示されています(下表)。

エルサレム年代記英訳(www.livius.org より)

[Obv.1] In the twenty-first year [605/604] the king of Akkad [Nabopolassar] stayed in his own land, Nebuchadnezzar his eldest son, the crown-prince,
[Obv.2] mustered the Babylonian army and took command of his troops; he marched to Karchemiš which is on the bank of the Euphrates,
[Obv.3] and crossed the river to go against the Egyptian army which lay in Karchemiš.
[Obv.4] They fought with each other and the Egyptian army withdrew before him.
[Obv.5] He accomplished their defeat and beat them to non-existence. As for the rest of the Egyptian army
[Obv.6] which had escaped from the defeat so quickly that no weapon had reached them, in the district of Hamath
[Obv.7] the Babylonian troops overtook and defeated them so that not a single man escaped to his own country.
[Obv.8] At that time Nebuchadnezzar conquered the whole area of Hamath.
[Obv.9] For twenty-one years Nabopolassar had been king of Babylon,
[Obv.10] when on 8 Abu[15 August 605.] he went to his destiny; in the month of Ululu[September.] Nebuchadnezzar returned to Babylon

[Obv.11] and on 1 Ululu he sat on the royal throne in Babylon.
[Obv.12] In the accession year Nebuchadnezzar went back again to the Hatti-land and until the month of Šabatu
[Obv.13] marched unopposed through the Hatti-land; in the month of Šabatu he took the heavy tribute of the Hatti-territory to Babylon.
[Obv.14] In the month of Nisannu{{Spring 604.__ he took the hands of Bêl and the son of Bêl and celebrated the Akitu Festival.
[Obv.15] In the first year of Nebuchadnezzar [604/603] in the month of Simanunote[Late Spring.] he mustered his army
[Obv.16] and went to the Hatti-territory, he marched about unopposed in the Hatti-territory until the month of Kislîmu.[End 604.]
[Obv.17] All the kings of the Hatti-land came before him and he received their heavy tribute.
[Obv.18] He marched to the city of Aškelon and captured it in the month of Kislîmu.
[Obv.19] He captured its king and plundered it and carried off spoil from it.
[Obv.20] He turned the city into a mound and heaps of ruins and then in the month of Šabatu he marched back to Babylon.

[Obv.21] In the second year [603/602] in the month of Ajaru the king of Akkad gathered together a powerful army and marched to the land of Hatti.
[Obv.22] …] he threw down, great siege-towers he […
[Obv.23] …] from the month of Ajaru until the mon[th of …] he marched about unopposed in the land of Hatti.
[Obv.24-27] [Four lines missing]
[Rev.] [Several lines missing]
[Rev.1′] In the third year [602/601] the king of Akkad left and
[Rev.2′] in the month of […] on the thirteenth day, [the king’s brother] Nabû-šuma-lišir […]
[Rev.3′] The king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the Hatti-land.
[Rev.4′] and brought back much spoils from the Hatti-land into Akkad.
[Rev.5′] In the fourth year [601/600] the king of Akkad mustered his army and marched to the Hatti-land. In the Hatti-land they marched unopposed.
[Rev.6′] In the month of Kislîmu[End 601.] he took the lead of his army and marched to Egypt. The king of Egypt heard it and mustered his army.
[Rev.7′] In open battle they smote the breast of each other and inflicted great havoc on each other. The king of Akkad turned back with his troops and returned to Babylon.note[Apparently, Nebuchadnezzar suffered a defeat: in the next line, he reorganizes his army.]
[Rev.8′] In the fifth year [600/599] the king of Akkad stayed in his own land and gathered together his chariots and horses in great numbers.
[Rev.9′] In the sixth year [599/598] in the month of Kislîmu the king of Akkad mustered his army and marched to the Hatti-land. From the Hatti-land he sent out his companies,
[Rev.10′] and scouring the desert they took much plunder from the Arabs,[{{Probably nomads in what is now Jordan.] their possessions, animals and gods. In the month of Addaru the king returned to his own land.

[Rev.11′] In the seventh year [598/597], the month of Kislîmu, the king of Akkad mustered his troops, marched to the Hatti-land,
[Rev.12′] and besieged the city of Judah and on the second day of the month of Addaru he seized the city and captured the king.note[Jehoiachin; cf. Jeremiah 52.28-30; 2 Kings 24.8-17.]
[Rev.13′] He appointed there a king of his own choice,note[“Jehoiachin’s uncle Mattaniah became ling of Judah and changed his name to Zedekiah”: 2 Kings 24.17.] received its heavy tribute and sent to Babylon.
[Rev.14′] In the eight year [597/596], the month of Tebetu the king of Akkad marched to the Hatti-land as far as Karchemiš […
[Rev.15′] …] in the month of Šabatu the king returned to his own land.note
[Rev.16′] In the ninth year [596/595], the month of […] the king of Akkad and his troops marched along the bank of the Tigris […]
[Rev.17′] the king of Elam […]
[Rev.18′] the king of Akkad […]note
[Rev.19′] which is on the bank of the Tigris he pitched his camp. While there was still a distance of one day’s march between them,
[Rev.20′] the king of Elam was afraid and, panic falling on him, he returned to his own land.

[Rev.21′] In the tenth year [595/594] the king of Akkad was in his own land; from the month of Kislîmu to the month of Tebetu there was rebellion in Akkad.note
[Rev.22′] With arms he slew many of his own army. His own hand captured his enemy.
[Rev.23′] In the month of […],note he marched to the Hatti-land, where kings and […]-officials
[Rev.24′] came before him and he received their heavy tribute and then returned to Babylon.
[Rev.25′] In the eleventh year [594/593] in the month of Kislîmu, the king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the Hatti-land.


[行.1] 21年目 [605/604BC]にアッカドの王[ナボポラッサル] は自らの国に留まり、彼の長男で王位継承者であるナブカデネザルは、
[行.2] バビロンの軍を集め部隊を指揮した;彼はユーフラテス川のほとりにあるカルカメシに進軍し、
[行.3] カルカメシに陣取っていたエジプト軍に向かった。
[行.4] 彼らは互いに戦い、エジプト軍が彼の前から撤退した。
[行.9] ナボポレッサルは21年間バビロンの王であった。
[行.10] アブーの8日[8月15日 605BC]彼の運命にたどり着いた時; ウルル[9月]にネブカデネザルはバビロンに戻り、
[行.11] ウルルの1日にバビロンの王座に座した。
[行.15] ネブカデネザルの第1年 [604/603]、シマヌ[晩春]の月に彼は兵を集め、…
[行.21] 第2年 [603/602] アジャル[春]の月にアカッドの王(ネブカデネザル)は強力な軍隊を集めハッティの地へ進軍した。


1) Caroline Waerzeggers, The Babylonian Chronicles Classification and Provenance Journal of Near Eastern Studies 71/2 (2012), 285–298.

2)伝統的立場;Miller, S. R. (1994). Daniel (The New American Commentary Vol. 18, p. 95). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

3)批判的立場:Collins, J. J., & Collins, A. Y. (1993). Daniel: a commentary on the book of Daniel. (F. M. Cross, Ed.) (p. 166). Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.


2:44 それらの王たちの世に、天の神は一つの国を立てられます。これはいつまでも滅びることがなく、その主権は他の民にわたされず、かえってこれらのもろもろの国を打ち破って滅ぼすでしょう。そしてこの国は立って永遠に至るのです。
2:45 一つの石が人手によらずに山から切り出され、その石が鉄と、青銅と、粘土と、銀と、金とを打ち砕いたのを、あなたが見られたのはこの事です。大いなる神がこの後に起るべきことを、王に知らされたのです。その夢はまことであって、この解き明かしは確かです」。






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